The phrase 'best regards' is written at the end of typically a business letter or email Best regards are not said to friends or familytoo formal So, if you use the formal 'best regards' closing to a letter, to keep the same formal tone, it is better to use the more formal thank you and not the casual thanks 132K viewsPositive, polite and vanilla enough to not say too much about you or offend your email recipient "Best wishes or best regards are good options when you don't know a person well, but want to be safe and friendly," says Gelbard But don't confuse your best with your warm, she adds · Thanks, Thank you, Thank you for your assistance in this matter, Thank you for your consideration, Thank you for your recommendation, Thank you for your time, Warm regards, Warm wishes, Warmly, With appreciation, With deepest sympathy, With Best Regards And Other Alternative Ways To End An Email Ink Blog How to fix thanks and regards in email ...